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Nikita Mendez (She/her/hers)

Student Assistant Professional

Intervention and Prevention Specialist


Phone 1-360-952-3590


John C Thomas Middle School

Monday, Thursday 7:30am-4:00pm

Wahkiakum High School

Tuesday, Thursday 7:30am-4:00pm


Nikita Mendez is a Student Assistance Professional working with Wahkiakum School District students to prevent substance use and abuse in our school and in our community. Children and teens who use alcohol and other drugs are at higher risk than adults for developing short and long-term physical, developmental and emotional problems. This is because their brains are still developing and more vulnerable to the effects of drugs. Nikita utilizes the research-based Project SUCCESS model, which offers a combination of interventions designed to meet the unique needs of Wahkiakum’s students.

Nikita provides several services such as:
o Early alcohol and other drug education and prevention in classrooms and for school wide activities
o Screening and early intervention services to students and their families
o Referrals to treatment providers
o Help with transitioning back to school for students
o Assisting students with developing skills to overcome obstacles they encounter
o Newcomers’ groups
o Senior Groups (what is life after graduation like, what are our plans, what are our concerns)
o Intervention/Prevention groups (affected others, vaping/tobacco education, intervention)
o Social and skill building groups
o Support in helping students overcoming barriers to the academic success.
o AWWA Club (promotes healthy lifestyle choices within the school, provides a place for students to make a positive change in their school)

Nikita provides a variety of support groups for students who have concerns or issues that may interfere with their optimal academic progress. The groups focus on the development of skills and self-confidence necessary for students to make positive choices in their lives related to: school success, resolving conflicts, coping with grief, peer pressure, self-esteem, anger management, and drug and alcohol use. The purpose of these time-limited groups is to help students develop skills necessary to realize their academic and personal potentials.

In addition to teaching in classrooms and running skill-building groups, Nikita links the school to the community’s continuum of care. Nikita works closely with teachers, administration, the community coalition, and other behavioral health services providers in the school who support students. Students are screened and referred, when necessary, to human services agencies, community groups, behavioral health treatment agencies, and other organizations which offer help in alleviating problems arising from violence, poverty, unemployment, insufficient medical services, and other challenges. Project SUCCESS helps bridge the community, school, and families by coordinating outreach efforts, which is essential for all youth.
We are confident that this statewide program delivers high quality services specifically designed to meet the unique needs of Wahkiakum students.

For more information about the program and prevention resources:

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