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Keep Your Contact Information Current


Please remember to update any address/phone or email contact information as soon as possible with the office. We need to know how to contact parents/guardians in case of emergencies or to share things about your student.

If you have Family Access, your information will be shown there and you call or send a note with the changes. 


Absence Policies & Making Up Work


Absence Policies & Making Up Work:  As studies have shown, regular school attendance helps students to be successful in school. If your child is absent for more than one day, please make arrangements with the teacher or office to pick up their work. We also ask that you always send a note or call the office anytime your child is late or absent from school, so that we can mark them excused and have proper documentation in our records. If you know ahead of time that your child will be absent, please prearrange the absence with the office. For more detailed information on attendance and tardiness policies, please refer to the Elementary and Middle School Student Handbook.


Bus and Change of Plans - Procedures for Notes


When students are going somewhere other than home or their regular drop off site (i.e. daycare), students MUST bring a note to school that morning. Teachers will collect parent notes in the morning and send them to the office. All bus notes for the day will then be written. If plans change and you need to pick your child up, please come to the foyer area of the office at 3:00, so you can meet your child as he/she is dismissed at 3:05.  Only call the office if an unexpected emergency arises. Your cooperation is appreciated.


Technology at School


INTERNET USE has become a standard part of the educational process. A parent/guardian may us an Internet Opt Out form we have provided here or you can pick up one in the office if they do not want their child to use the internet at school. The students are to use the internet for research and other classroom activities as directed by the teacher. Any misuse of the internet will be considered a Category 1 discipline infraction. Repetitive misuse will result in loss of privilege.


CELL PHONE POLICIES AND WARNING ABOUT SEXTING:  Students may not use their cell phones at recesses that are not before school or at lunch. This means students may not use cell phones during passing time, in the restrooms during class, or in the hallways during class. Also, please review the policies about sexting and its consequences on the  Student Handbook



Medications at School


There are state laws regarding medications at school. Any medications, prescription or over the counter, taken at school must be stored in the office in its original container and must be accompanied by a Medication Authorization form. If your child needs to take medication of any kind at school please pick up and complete the form. A physician's signature is required for all medications on this form. These forms need to be updated every school year. Some students who use inhalers can carry them with them, but still need to have the paperwork on file in the office.


How Do I Order More Copies of My Student's School Photos?


Wahkiakum School District works with Bell Studios for all student pictures. They come to our schools and take the school pictures. When the student pictures have been printed, Bell Studios delivers the picture packets to the District for distribution to the students. Included in this packet is a reorder form with a passcode that can be used to order additional photos at the Bell Studios online store.

Bell Studios will also provide the District with a list of the students' passcodes. PLEASE NOTE: To ensure your privacy, Bell Studios will no longer give passcodes over the phone. Any parent/guardian who loses a passcode must come to the School District Office in person. Once the District Office establishes that this person is the parent/guardian who initially received the passcode, the District will give them their passcode.



We Need to Stay Alert - Teach Your Kids About Strangers and Safety


In this day and age, we can never be too vigilant. Parents, please remember to speak with your children about strangers and safety. There have been incidences at schools around the country where someone attempts to lure students into a vehicle by stating, "I just got off the phone with your mom and she wants me to take you to her." It is important to teach our kids to quickly turn and run away!



It's Never Too Early To Think About College and Other Post-High-School Plans!


We know your child is only in elementary school. But, these school years go by faster than you can possibly imagine! And, before you know it, it's your child's Senior year in high school.We invite you to talk with your child on a regular basis about college, work, and how they might imagine their life beyond high school.To get some ideas on planning for the future and ways to save/pay for college, visit our High School & Beyond page, our Scholarships, Financial Aid and Testing Resources page, or download our High School & Beyond Family Resource Guide.



Restraining Orders/Parenting Plans

If you possess a restraining order against another person or if you have a parenting plan, it is very important that you provide the office with the most current documents bearing the signature of or stamp of the judge. We are legally unable to deny parent contact with a child unless the proper documents are on file in our school.


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