Potentially Life Threatening Health Conditions
According to Washington State Law *RCW 28A.210.320, students with a potentially life threatening health condition cannot attend school unless the following conditions are met:
- A current medication and/or treatment order from a licensed health care provider must be on file with the school nurse. This order must be renewed each school year. Prescribed medication or equipment identified in the order necessary to carry out the order must be brought to the school by the parent prior to the first day of school.
- An Emergency Action Care Plan, written by the school nurse in cooperation with you and the licensed health care provider, must be in place prior to the student’s first day of attendance at school.
Health Conditions that are considered to be potentially life threatening are Asthma, Severe Allergies, Diabetes, Heart, Seizures, Neurological Disorders, and Bleeding Disorders. Please contact your school nurse for further information and questions.
Required Forms, Policies, & Information:
- Policy 3416, Medication at School
- Procedure 3416, Medication at School
- WSD Meds in School Form
- Medication Guidelines for Parents
- General Health Inventory for School Enrollment
- Policy 3419 Self Administration
- Procedure 3419 Self Administration
- Students with Asthma
- CDC Healthy Schools
- Asthma Intake and History
Severe Allergies
- Policy 3420 Anaphylaxis Prevention and Response
- Procedure 3420 Anaphylaxis Prevention and Response
- Dietary Accommodation Form
- Food Allergy Dietary Needs
Infectious Diseases
- Board Policy 3414 Infectious Diseases
- Procedure 3414 Infectious Diseases
- Health and Attendance Brochure (English) (Spanish) (Russian)
Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Arrest
- Form and Information Packet
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